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Link details: Artificial Life

Artificial LifedirectoryTitle: Artificial Life
directoryURL: http://www.alife.org/
directoryPage Rank: 6
directoryID: 40632

   |___Science and Technology
      |___Artificial Life

directoryDescription: The International Society for Artificial Life (ISAL) was established in May of 2001 as a non-profit organization. Currently based at Reed College, ISAL is a democratic, international, professional society dedicated to promoting scientific research and education relatingto artificial life, including sponsoring conferences, publishing scientific journals and newsletters, and maintaining web sites related to artificial life. Artificial Life (published by MIT Press) is the official journal of ISAL, and the biannual International Conference on Artificial Life is the official scientific gathering of the Society.
directoryAlexa Ranking: 0
directoryAlexa LinksIN: 0
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